Every business is unique so do its requirements. For businesses, one size fits all is not an option. Therefore to ensure your business’s future triumph, you must look over its different niches. Handling multiple tasks all at once is not as easy as it looks, especially when it is about handling business finances. Therefore, to ensure your business’s future success, you must be confirmed to fulfill your business needs by hire an accountant.

Keeping this in concern here, we will guide you on how you can hire an accountant according to your business needs. To ensure offering you the right direction, we have curated this blog under the guidance of our in-house financial experts. So, read this post carefully and get assured of hiring an accountant according to your business needs. 

Why hiring an accountant is essential?

In every business, accountants act as the backbone of the firm. They ensure to make your business run and grow smoothly. When a company is established freshly in the market (to keep it growing, accountants act as a core asset that assures the successful monetary circulation of your business. Along with that, they also-

  1. Keep your business updated with industry standards and trends and keep track of customer interest.
  2. Deliver accurate accounting information and ensure the security of financial data.
  3. Ensure furnishing the recommendation by analyzing various options and advising effective financial action that aligns with the objective.
  4. Complying with local, national, and federal government norms to fulfill the company’s fiscal requirements.
  5. Efficiently participate in the company’s internal projects when needed and recommend good financial actions and plans within the organization’s borders.
  6. Help in selecting accounting methods and business structure according to business needs.

Since, by nature, a single accounting error can cost you uncountable dollars, hiring a perfect-fit accountant becomes a necessity for every business.

Three Integral steps for hiring the right accountant:

So, your question here must be what factors should you consider to hire an accountant according to your business need? Therefore to offer you an easy selection method, we have divided actions into three (3) integral parts. Begin with knowing your business needs, followed by the right skill set identification, and ending with posting the right advertisement.

1. Know your Business Requirement –

We all know that having a proper understanding of business requirements is a must. It helps you prioritize things you should target before performing employee selection. As is highlighted above, what makes an accountant a core element of the firm? You need to emphasize the common yet primary factors that could help you reach your next action plan. 

Follow are some points you should keep in concern:

1. Consider the requirement of knowledge & skill according to the industry –

Every business functional industry is different and for that businesses require different skill sets and knowledge-holding accountants. If you encounter issues dealing with industrial norms and acts. Hiring a proficient accountant who holds specified knowledge and experience in your industry will help. 

2. Analyze the level of requirement –

If you are struggling in keeping and managing records or business transactions. Then this must be serious financial trouble for the business. As mentioned earlier what a single accounting error could do to the company brand. The same goes with unmanageable records too. An accountant put everything on track and ensures keep your business moving forward to make it stays on top. 

3. Analyze your budget and investment and proceed accordingly –

What’s your company’s budget? How much would you likely invest in your employees and will you survive without hiring an expert? These are some questions you must ask yourself. You know you can accelerate your business with the help of part-time accounts.  Then why go for higher-paid full-time ones unless you need

4. Does your business require outsourced or in-house experts?

Facing affordability trouble? Then, nothing could beat an accountant who can handle all your fiscal deals and your accounting work under your budget bracket. How? 

Well, there are numerous outsourcing financial firms that furnish the right accounting service as per your requirement, most importantly under your budget. The charges were framed on a per hourly basis or according to the functional complexity and difficulty of the task. 

Remember the annual invoice might appear high to you by the end but you are getting expert professional work that is equivalent to expensive in-house professionals. Which is an unbeatable deal for companies with a tight budget.

2. Know what skill set you are searching for- 

To run a successful business, one must look over different business operations and determine accordingly what skill set they are looking for in an accountant. Following are some basic yet significant skills you must look for hire an accountant:

1. Numerical skills – 

When it comes to accounting, not just quantitative but numerical calculations are to be measured. Skills like:

  1. Bookkeeping 
  2. Budgeting
  3. Making financial statement 
  4. Data analysis 
  5. Taxation etc. 

Above are some basics that every accountant must possess. A skilled accountant always carries such up-to-date skills with them. So they can cope with every kind of software and technology the company present. 

2. Softskills –

The service of accounting is not bordered by its own sector. A company runs collaboratively by managing different sectors under it. So, your hired accountant must expertise in making good communication with each department. To better analyze their soft skills your can:

  1. Rate their interaction with you
  2. Give them a situation and analyze how they can interact with clients
  3. Ask them whether they can interact in person 
  4. What do they prefer? Will they like to speak over the phone, email, or F2F.

3. Adaptability and Time management –

You know you can analyze the skills of an accountant checking their determination and professionalism towards their work. A professional accountant always prefers to plan their activity to gather information efficiently and quickly. This makes testing an accountant’s time management skills crucial. 

Besides, adaptation is another essential trait that every accountant should possess. With the everchanging shift in technology, accountants must adapt to day-to-day business operations and the modern technology they use. The accountant who always stays updated with fast placed tech could only be the right accountant for firms.

4. Technical skills-

Having technical skills is a must that every professional accountant should have. Consider those technical skills on which you would like your accountant to work. Some the basic technical skills such as:

  1. Excel
  2. Blockchain system 
  3. Powerpoint

Bookkeeping software such as:      

  1. Quick Books
  2. Xero
  3. Zoho etc. 

An accountant should have practical knowledge of using such tools. Consider the years of experience you require in technical tool use to ease out your selection process.

3. Post the right advertisement –

Posting the right advertisement is the key to a successful selection process. Considering the skillset that you have predetermined as job-specific and showcasing such listed skillset in the post will help you get only qualified accountants. This way you will not just save your time but your candidate’s time too. 

When you write the list of required skills including job responsibilities it will make everything a lot easier. So, keep this thing in mind to post a clear job description and also make sure to keep everything clear to them. 

Finally, understand that the hiring process does not end when you find the right one. Making them familiar with the company’s culture and offering them the necessary onboarding experience is a must.

Make sure to set specified guidelines for them to make your preferred accountant know how you will estimate their performance and what actions they can take to excel or succeed at their work.

In a Nutshell 

Behind every successful business, there are clear and summarised goals that every entrepreneur determines to achieve. Making a specified action plan is one of them. You can only succeed when you predetermine your need even when it’s about selecting an accountant. 

We hope you may find this article informative to hire an accountant for your business. If you want to make your business handled by an experienced accounting professional. Then you can trust the ProfitsView team of accounting experts. Our experts come with years of experience and know-how the finance is done.